Telesto Health
Located in Altamonte Springs, FL, we offer both in-person and telehealth services to residents of Florida
Psychiatry - Medication Management - Therapy - Opioid Use - Buprenorphine Treatment - Medical Marijuana
Call: (407) 564-3884 or Email: to schedule an appointment today!
Personalized Psychiatry
Our commitment is to provide compassionate, personalized psychiatric care that empowers you to achieve optimal mental health and overall well-being. Individualized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs, focusing on both medication management and integrative approaches to mental health. Our practice is grounded in empathy, respect, and collaboration, fostering a strong therapeutic relationship that encourages you to overcome challenges and lead a fulfilling life.
Conditions Treated
Major Depression
Persistent Depression
Generalized Anxiety
Panic Attacks
Trauma / Grief
Prolonged Grief
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar I
Bipolar II
Hyperactive / Impulsive
Substance Use
Opioid Use Disorder
Opioid Dependence
Other Psychiatric Conditions
Psychiatry FAQ
What types of appointments do you offer?
We provide both face-to-face and telehealth appointments to accommodate your needs and preferences.
What days and times do you have available for appointments?
We schedule appointments Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM, and we also offer weekend and after-hours options.
How do I schedule an appointment?
Call us at (407) 564-3884 or email us at: with your name and phone number to receive a call back.
How do I complete my intake forms?
Intake and consent forms must be completed prior to your appointment, and are completed online through our secure client portal. This makes it easy and convenient to get started.
What can I expect during my initial appointment?
Your initial exam will be comprehensive and diagnostic, allowing us to understand your unique needs. We will collaborate to develop a personalized treatment, and we will discuss medications if appropriate for your condition and treatment.
How often will I need to be seen once I’m an ongoing patient?
Ongoing patients are required to have an appointment at least once every three months to ensure continuity of care.
Do you prescribe controlled substances?
Controlled substances may be prescribed if appropriate for your condition and treatment.
Do you offer opioid use disorder / dependence treatment?
Yes, we offer opioid induction and maintenance treatment with buprenorphine. For more information, view our page on opioid use treatment.
To schedule an appointment or if you have any other questions, please contact us!